₪Tec de Monterrey₪ Campus Puebla

₪TECstudents BLUEapples' SHow₪

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₪Past habits₪

1.- What is your name? What is your major?
Alejandro, LATI.
2.- Did you often go to the movie theater?
I used to go mainly in summer, when most of the movies were for children.
3.- Have you traveled to another country? Which? When?
Yes, I have been in France, Spain and Italy during three holidays since I was 16.
4.- What was your favorite play when you were a child?
I don’t remember to have a favorite game. In my free time I played with my toys or with my brother but there was no special preference for football or anything else.
5.- What were your favorite places to stay when you were a child?
Any of my uncles’ houses was great as long as my cousins were there. Out from that, Burger King was my favorite place.
6.- Did you drink a lot of milk when you were a child?
Thanks to my mother I did.
7.- Did you eat chili peppers when you were 10?
Yes, and hot sauce too. Both are essential for me to have a tasty meal.
8.- Did you watch cartoons when you were a child?
I watched lots of them. I remember myself spending hours sited in the sofa watching every single cartoon.
9.- Did you often study just a little when you were in elementary school?
I would say yes, but my grades don’t seem to say so. As far as I know I always studied the day before exams.
10.- Did your mother tell you tales when you were asleep?
Actually she told me tales before falling asleep. I asked for so many stories, that my mom had to invent new ones and if I heard one of them again, I noticed the slightest change.
11.- Did you like eating cereal at breakfast?
I have always preferred to take it at dinner.
12.- Who was your hero in your childhood?
Spiderman has been the closest thing to a hero I have had ever. The only thing is that I was more a teenager at the moment I began to admire it.
13.- What was your favorite game when you were a child?
There were actually to favorite games at least. Both were computer games, Mario Bros. and Rover 2. I learnt to use MS-DOS just to play them!.
2 Responses
  1. Alejandro V Says:

    I know someone of the authoring site will dislike this :D But i have some affection on my own interview jajajaja Ok now's the serious point

    Congrats for the awesome blog!!! Definitely is a great venture you've accomplished and it looks great :P Something trully interesting is the huge e-media widgets you've put. Really remarkable.

    It would be nice if you keep this project after the grade i know someone of you would be happy of doing so... :D

  2. Maggie Tbn Says:

    really??? "someone of the authoring site will dislike this.." HUM! i know that person...
    hahaha thank you so much Alex for your support and I'll think about to continue with this... it was very hard! I din't know anything about it! stop! even I said: What is blog?
    is it a word? hahaha well the project has been finished and the future is coming up

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