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₪Past habits₪

Nathán Alonso Esparza 5° semester Communication
1.- When you were a kid practicing any sport?
Not really I just played with my cars and thing like that.
2.- Did you like to work out?
Well I used to but right now I can´t.
3.- Did you eat many candies?
Yes I liked too much and I ate a lot.
4.-Your fathers helped you with your homework? Not I always did and I do my homework by my self.
5.- How long did you spend in the study?
Just like 2 hours per day.
6.- Did you hang out with your friends?
Yes, but not so often.
7.- How much money spent on entertainment?
Like two hundred pesos or more when I hang out with my friends.
8.- Do you like travel? What parts of the world did you visit?
Yes, I love travel, I know almost all the country, of USA I know Houston, Chicago, Minnesota, Wisconsin and about Canada just Montreal, Quebec and Toronto.
9.- When you were teenager what activities you do?
I used to go with my friends to the mall to play video games.
10.- Did you have any hobbies when you were teenager?
Yes, video games.
11.- What did you do for the Christmas day?
The last Xmas I was in Wisconsin and there was snowing and the temperature was like -26° and i took the dinner with my uncle family.
12.- Did you enjoy the holly days? How?
Yes, I like the holly days because I usually go to travel.
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